Future Lawyer Blog

3 very different Career insight seminars: Human Rights, Parliamentary Drafting and the Chancery Bar

Drafting Legislation and other Government Legal Careers

Have you ever wondered how bills become law? Do you want to know how to draft a piece of legislation? In this exciting talk, the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel will detail;

  • An overview of the types of legal jobs available in government,
  • The roles of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel and the Government Legal Department,
  • How you can qualify as a solicitor or barrister within the Government,
  • The benefits of working in the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel and in Government.

ITo find out more about what the OPO do please visit their website or watch their ‘Day in the Life of a Parliamentary Counsel” video.

The talk is on 28th November and will run from 1-2pm with a Q & A to finish. No need to register, just hop on the event link on the day. If you have any difficulty accessing this please email opc@cabinetoffice.gov.uk

Women at the Chancery Bar

The Chancery Bar Association is running this event at Gatehouse Chambers on the evening of 4th December. Their motivation is seen in the passage below:

There is anecdotal evidence that Chancery chambers recruit more male junior tenants than female junior tenants. We are concerned that this may be because excellent female candidates are not attracted to the Chancery Bar, despite it being a career in which women can and do flourish.  The event is therefore intended to spark the interest of female students, some of whom may not yet be thinking about a career at the Bar, and to encourage them to consider applying to the Chancery Bar.

Go and register for your place via the Chancery Bar website.

Human Rights Careers, Skills & Values

The Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) is hosting a careers seminar in partnership with the Human Rights Lawyers’ Association (HRLA) on 28 November 2023 on Zoom.

The seminar will be chaired by Stephen Cragg KC, Chair of BHRC, and will welcome an incredible lineup of speakers:

  • Adam Wagner, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers;
  • Yasmine Ahmed, UK Director of Human Rights Watch;
  • Aswini Weereratne KC, Vice Chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee & Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers
  • Grainne Mellon, Vice Chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee & Barrister, Garden Court Chambers;
  • Ruth Mercer, Solicitor, Southwark Law Centre;
  • Yasmin Batliwala MBE, CEO, A4ID – Advocates for International Development;
  • Camila Zapata Besso, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers & Member of the HRLA Elected Committee;
  • Bethany Hermaszewska, Caseworker at Advocate;
  • Jodie Blackstock, Barrister at Garden Court Chambers & Treasurer, BHRC;
  • Debra Long, International Policy Manager, The Law Society of England & Wales;
  • Haydée Dijkstal, Barrister at 33 Bedford Row & Member, BHRC Executive Committee;
  • Aarif Abraham, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers;
  • Ben Leather, Director of Peace Brigades International (PBI);
  • Helena Samaha, President & CEO of Lex Mundi;
  • Zimran Samuel MBE, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, Member of the BHRC Executive Committee & Family Law Barrister of the Year (2014)
  • Dr Felicity Gerry KC, International King’s Counsel, London and Melbourne & Professor of Legal Practice; and
  • Lui Asquith, Associate Solicitor, Russell-Cooke Solicitors & Vice Chair, HRLA …

… with more to be announced!

The seminar is open to UK and international law students (including undergraduates and postgraduate researchers), as well as trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and early- to mid-career solicitors and barristers who are interested in moving into human rights practice. Registration is free and all attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance from BHRC and the HRLA.

Full agenda and details of all sessions, along with the registration link can be found via the event website.

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