A Mooting Chat at the City Law School – Emily Allbon

Judge Cryan returned to City to host a Mooting ‘conversation’ with 5 of last years talented mooters on 23rd October 2012. MacKenzie Common, Eden Ifergen and Althea Brooks, finalists from the City Scholars Moot 2011-12 joined Laura Inglis and Harriet Tolkien, winners of the UKLSA Moot in front of crowd of eager would-be mooters.
All these students have mooted in the grand but daunting surroundings of the Supreme Court in front of SC judges Lady Hale (City Scholars) and Lord Sumption (UKLSA).
The event was held to officially launch the internal moots run at City: the City Scholars Moot sponsored by Pearson and the GDL Moot, sponsored by Justis.
The City Scholars Competition is open to all LLB, GELLB and LLM students and the first round will kick off week commencing 12th November. Round One of the GDL Moot will take place later on in November.
Judge Cryan and the experienced mooters covered a lot of ground, offering tips and insight on delivery, pitfalls, structure, judge’s questioning, bundles, skeleton arguments and gamesmanship. The networking that followed saw lots of brains being picked and a great deal of enthusiasm for the year ahead. Let’s hope we shall see some of you on the panel next year!