CLS Alumni Interview: Holly Moore, solicitor at ITV
“The more that I succeed, the more people there are to look up to.”

Holly Moore is a solicitor working in ITV’s brand protection team, which manages ITV’s intellectual property portfolio. Prior to this she graduated from City, University of London with a First in her Law degree in 2020 and she was one of the first people in the country to complete the Solicitor’s Qualifying Exam (SQE). Beyond her stellar academic and professional achievements thus far, she is a strong advocate for diversity and enrichment in the legal field. One way of doing this is by providing extensive advice and support for many aspiring solicitors via her instagram account: thatlawblog. She utilises her personal experiences to assist those who may be in a similar position she was, garnering media traction and accumulating over thirteen thousand followers on Instagram. Sharing her story is quintessential in expressing the importance of visible diversity in positions of importance and authority.
You took the apprenticeship route into your law career; can you share what prompted this decision?
“Solicitor Apprenticeships had just been introduced in 2015, for a 2016 start…”
In 2015 Holly was in college undergoing her A levels, studying English, Law, and Psychology. It was at this time she realised she loved studying law. She investigated what pursuing a legal career would involve and saw how much a degree would cost. For Holly, the weighty financial element of it was of concern. However, she then came across the apprenticeship avenue, realising it was an option for her, as companies needed to utilise this unspent money for these Apprenticeship programmes.
After extensive research, she realised this Apprenticeship would consist of 6 years of training and studying, but importantly with no University debt and a paid salary straightaway. This was so appealing, as Holly says:
“After your degree, getting into the legal world is really tough – but with an Apprenticeship frontloading that, you’re doing the hard work at the beginning and as long as you’re doing what you’re supposed to do, you can qualify.”
Balancing work and academic studies is a challenge to many, even more so over an extended period – which in your case was 6 years. What strategies did you use to get through it? How was your apprenticeship structured?
In terms of structure, it was 4 days a week in the office and one day of the week studying – which was either at home or on campus. Structurally, her workload was outlined by City, and it was very clear for her what she was expected to do academically. Her essays and tasks were completed monthly.
“I think it’s hard regardless, whether you undergo the apprenticeship route or if you work towards getting a degree. For me, it was a work in progress.”
Holly, like many of us, initially found it very challenging to balance University studies, her personal life and her work. She counted her first year, as her settling in phase, stating it took her a year to figure out how to effectively balance it all out.
“Doing a degree, you know very well that you can’t do it all in one day.”
Committing six years of your life to consistent studying and learning how to work, is a challenge at any age, but particularly at 18. Holly stresses how important it is for students to utilise the first year for settling in and getting the gist of the structure of this stage of study.

For Holly, by the second year she had started to find the best way of working, for her. Before work she would complete her academic studies in the morning, as she had realised, she was best suited to complete it at this time of the day. Her daily routine consisted of studying and/or working, including independent revision on the weekends. She believes that this consistent work was necessary to strengthen her abilities.
“There’s no formula for success but know your most effective structure of work by the end of first year. As simple as it sounds, Google Calendar is my life.”
Holly advises that everyone experiments with different methods of working in order to solidify what’s best for you personally, which typically is what you have time for in the first year. This phase is crucial for you to stay on top of your work in an organised and effective way for the coming years.
“Once you fall behind, it’s very challenging to get back on it.”
Shifting back to your academic journey, what modules did you connect with and were there any challenges you faced?
“There were definitely a lot of challenges…”
Holly was intrigued most by Criminal law and found studying it most enjoyable, which is interesting considering its stark contrast with Intellectual Property Law, her current specialty. She found herself drawn to this because she could relate to it by seeing it in her everyday life. With crime, you can see the law you study translate into real life scenarios as these laws affect everyone.
“You might hate studying something, but in practice you might really enjoy it. That’s the beauty of getting experience.”
Holly found herself struggling to connect with the theories and principles of Contract law. Funnily enough, most of the practical work experience she had garnered from her Apprenticeship was based on contract, which she thoroughly enjoyed. A piece of advice Holly wants to give everyone studying law, is that you should try not to discount anything, as the law in practice is so much more than what you learn in an academic context. If she had completely given up on Contract law, she would have never ventured down the path of discovering commercial law as a career, despite enjoying it in practice. Furthermore, she finds herself identifying an element of contract in every area of law; it is crucial to give every module a chance before giving up on it entirely as many of them overlap.
What are your top 3 tips for students who also want to achieve a first?
(1) Your revision is key
Thinking about things methodically and making attempts to practise things you are less likely to achieve in, are pivotal. Holly recounts opting for problem questions more than the essay questions as she preferred following the stricter formula of the problem questions as opposed to the looser structure inherent in essay-based questions. Additionally, she advises students to remember that it’s not a memory game, but more about being able to explain the law and presenting it in the correct way.

(2) Don’t view a bad grade as a failure, but something to work on
Listening to feedback is another piece of advice she has. Constantly reviewing any feedback that lecturers are providing, completing as many practice questions as possible and getting even more feedback on them. Holly says not to see it as a failure if you don’t achieve the grade, you wish but view it as something to build on.
(3) Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself
“I never put that pressure on myself to get a first, I actually went through my degree never thinking I was going to achieve it.”
Finally, not putting pressure on yourself to achieve the highest grades. Upon reflecting on her academic career, she found that her grades got better year on year. In other words, her first-year results were a display of what she enjoyed studying, receiving a first in her Criminal module. In her third and final year, she received all firsts. Holly strongly advises that students don’t get carried away with studying what they’re good at and achieving a balance. Paying attention to the modules you struggle with and finding ways to strengthen your knowledge on them is crucial in receiving a first by the end of your degree.
You were one of the first people in the country to complete the SQE, and you provide guidance for people who want to take the exam on your social media. What is something you’re frequently asked about and can you share what your advice would be?
“I think focusing on consistent practice and the practical element of the exams is the way forward.”

Due to the novelty of the exam, Holly’s most asked question is how to approach revision for it and what preparation applicants should make. As she was present at the first ever sit-in for the exam, no one really knew how to approach it and she didn’t either, but nonetheless put a lot of effort into it. The SQE covers 14 areas of law, so that was a lot to get through and is based on the American bar exams. It consists of multiple-choice questions and a practical element, and the pass rates are daunting to many. So how do you revise for this exam?
Holly tells us that the exam is a total of 360 questions, taken over a two-day period. You are advised to spend an average of 1 minute and thirty seconds on every question, so naturally, this examination requires a lot of self-discipline when it comes to time management. As many of us students know, the only way to get better at managing our time more efficiently in exams is to:
“Practice, practice, practice”, (which also happens to be Holly’s top tip).
On account of the density of the examination, she advises that students should take extra care covering every area of law, even if you haven’t studied it in your degree. If it is possible to incorporate some element of MCQs into your degree, you can simultaneously educate yourself about the SQE to ensure that you’re prepared for it.
Holly reminds us how important it is that applicants don’t get carried away revising what they like, and begin with what they find most challenging, ensuring they spend enough time on those areas of law.
You completed a 6-month secondment from ITV to a law firm – how did this solidify your conviction that an in-house legal career was for you?
As Holly completed her apprenticeship, she realised that she was working towards in-house law which is not the traditional way in which many choose to work in a private practice law firm. She made sure to gain private practice experience before qualifying, so that she could make an informed decision on her desired career path.
“I would recommend getting experience before qualifying to everyone, if possible, because you never really know what you enjoy until you do it.”
Her 6-month secondment was completed in the final year of her apprenticeship and integrated within their training programme. She found this to be a very useful experience in terms of discovering different options for her career wise, as she realised that she liked being at the heart of a business. As opposed to working for a private firm and taking on numerous different clients, the exclusivity of in-house law means you only have one client, them being your only concern.
This typically requires you to be aware of their commercial decisions, knowing what their goals may be and helping them achieve those goals effectively.
“In private practice, being involved at all different stages with all different businesses was so interesting but it just wasn’t as exciting to me as working in-house and being embedded in the business.”
What do you enjoy the most about working with ITV?

“I’m working on new trademarks, new shows, new ideas, you know, really confidential stuff that’s really exciting.”
Being on the commercial side and seeing what they’re working towards is what Holly most enjoys about her job. Working on IP matters daily for ITV requires her to influence these innovations, whether it’s providing guidance to the company on when or how something is produced, or simply overlooking its creation. When the product is released, that reality of her personal contribution, is most thrilling.
“I think a lot of people don’t appreciate that with TV and almost every other industry, a lot of things wouldn’t happen without lawyers.”
What is the most common misconception associated with working for a broadcasting media company?
A common misconception Holly points out about working with a broadcasting and media company is that they are behind all the legal aspect for everything, across every show. A lot of people believe that there’s just one small but leading department. For every business, media or not, as opposed to having one team deal with complaints, intellectual property, production, commercial and commissioning, there’s a massive legal team behind the scenes that are split into different factions.
So, Holly’s intellectual property team primarily deals with brand protection concerning trademarks, copyright, litigation. Separately from that, the commercial legal team deals with sponsorship, advertising. There is also the compliance team, who review all the shows prior to broadcasting, checking if anything needs to be changed or if anything breaches any rules or agreements, they deal with product placement, and there are so many more specialist teams.
“You’ve got so many different legal teams that all contribute to the brand, all functioning together, but we all specialise in different things.”
For Holly, her apprenticeship allowed her to trial working in many other teams and she states that despite their differences, it is their collaboration that allows the company to sail smoothly.
What is the broader in-house lawyer community like? Do you get any support from others outside of ITV?
“I think joining the in-house community makes you realise just how big it is – it’s friendly I would say. Everyone sort of knows everyone.”
While completing her degree Holly was not aware of the difference between in-house and private practice. Like many of us, she did not know that it was possible for someone to work for a company as their lawyer. Since joining the in-house legal community, she has gained a lot of support from other in-house lawyers within the same industry; this is the primary support she receives. The Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority provide in-house specific networking, conferences, and a lot more.
For students who might not be aware of what Intellectual Property Protection entails, could you give us some examples of the sorts of tasks this typically requires you to occupy?

The team Holly sits within, carries out work across the spectrum of IP practice: trademark/IP clearance, registration and enforcement, alongside general advisory work. No two days are the same! It is crucial work, safeguarding the company’s assets.
“So really, it’s like we’re creating assets for a company, and that can extend to copyright, the show itself, and therefore we do a lot of online monitoring in our team in order to protect the assets the company has created’.
Holly did not study IP law as part of her degree, but the two year’s hands-on experience gained on her apprenticeship enabled her to pursue this route. With this in mind, Holly really pushes students to give modules a chance in a practical sense, as your outlook on that line of work may change with a more hands on approach.
What skills are most valued in the environment you currently work at?
“I would say skills that are most valued are probably most surprising.”
Holly says that one of the most sought out after skills is commercial awareness. Your substantive textbook law knowledge is important to know, but it’s not the sole priority. Your commercial approach, communication with clients and collaboration skills are prized. These ‘human-based’ skills appeal more to employers, your knowledge of course supports this.
“Making sure you communicate in a way your client can understand is the most important skill for the job.”
Working in this environment has given her insight on the job, she says that clients are not concerned with the logistics or what the law is: they care whether they can do whatever it is they want or not. This is why communicating with your client in a way they can understand is a crucial aspect of the job.
“Everyone will have their law degree. What is going to set you apart is your skills and experience outside of that.”
Working in-house requires you to primarily deals with the question: Even if it’s legal, is it the right thing to do? Will it harm your reputation? This is a question you will find yourself circling back to and weighing up whenever new circumstances arise. In that sense, in-house lawyers act as trusted confidants for the company, which is why this second opinion is so crucial.
You seem confident and assured. At any point did you ever worry about your future?
At one point, Holly did fear that her background would hold her back from pursuing a legal career, especially considering how competitive this line of work is. She was a first-generation university student so she didn’t have anyone she could seek advice from at home. Holly admits that she was slightly intimidated by the competitiveness of apprenticeships at first.
“I’d go to these interviews and there’d be 50 people there, and you’re thinking, but why would they pick me over 50 people? And you have to sort of fake it until you make it.”

2 weeks after securing her apprenticeship with ITV, Holly recalls feeling severe imposter syndrome. Her stress led her to reaching out to one of her supervisors, in which she burst into tears due to the pressure she had felt. She was immensely overwhelmed trying to secure her degree and working, all whilst trying to make time for herself. Having that honest discussion made her realise that she could work through it.
“At every point there’s been struggles. I thought at every year of my degree that I was going to fail. It is comforting knowing that everyone has those moments. Regardless of background, experiences, everyone has had that at some point in their career.”
When the Solicitors Qualifying Exam rolled around, that for her was quite another matter. The examination style was something she was unaccustomed to, but everyone had faced the same issues as her. Whilst this was a daunting experience for her, something about the fact that she wasn’t alone was a source of comfort to her.
Despite all her achievements, Holly states that for the longest time she still doubted her capabilities, even after qualifying. She says that this is completely normal for students, and despite your doubts, a student should not feel discouraged from persevering through it all.
As someone from a working-class background, advocating for diversity and supporting others is something you hold in high regard. Can you tell us more about the ways in which you advocate this effectively?
“I think for me it was really focusing on what made me different and using it as a positive thing rather than a negative, because it’s so easy to see it as a barrier and not an opportunity.”
At the beginning of the process Holly saw her background as a barrier, but as she progressed through her studies and training, she realised that her achievements were just a reflection of what she could achieve. Anyone can become a lawyer, and it is crucial that people from all sorts of backgrounds feel represented in this line of work.
“Even if it meant uncomfortable conversations or talking to people who had a very different experience than I did and educating them of where I came from… it’s comforting to know that people want to know about it and that people want to make the profession diverse and more inclusive.”
When Holly first joined the profession, she found solace in conversing with people who came from a similar background to her. Relating to those early experiences and seeing what they had achieved despite their difficulties, inspired her and drove her further towards achieving the same.
“So, I think the more people that succeed, the more people there are to look up to.”
This is the reason why inclusivity in the field is so important, it allows all sorts of people from different walks of life to be part of these important conversations and feel safe. Holly recognises how far the profession has progressed for many different types of people, but still prioritises taking every opportunity to inspire others to join in making the profession even more representative.
How do you manage the demands of your career and your personal well-being? I know that you also enjoy playing sports in your free time…
“I think it is just organisation and prioritising. I frequently found it really difficult within the apprenticeship to balance everything, a legal career is very demanding and when you have a busy life outside of that that is also demanding, it can be quite tough. But it is just prioritising, knowing in yourself how much you can handle. I had quite a severe case of burnout after SQE2, so after my final exams when I qualified, I had almost six months where I did not feel myself. I felt unwell, I couldn’t concentrate, I was exhausted all the time, and I have never felt like that ever. So, taking care of yourself mentally, physically, all the way through to make sure that doesn’t happen is really important and sport for me is a massive part of that…
…I would always advocate to have something outside of work and study and that is just yours, that is nothing to do with law, because it is so easy to let law take over your life, because you are working, you are studying, you are doing everything else and you need something to sort of bring you back down and let your stress out. Even if that is not sport, if that is reading, I love reading, something creative, anything for you I think is the main thing. But it is hard, and I think throughout your career it is always going to be hard to manage, so just check in with yourself and make sure that you are setting boundaries as well.”
Many thanks to LLB2 student Dina Mohamed Abdou for this in-depth interview with Holly. Here’s how Dina describes herself and future aspirations:
I am a second-year law student with a passion for journalism. While my studies are rooted in law, my goal is to channel my legal insights into ethical news reporting that promotes wider understanding. I believe that developing our skills means engaging actively with the world, so I am committed to promoting accessible knowledge as a fundamental right. My main interests are in sports and political journalism, areas that resonate with both my personal interests and daily life. My ultimate goal is to work with a leading news broadcasting company, where I can contribute meaningfully to the public’s awareness of important causes and enhance general understanding.