Law Commission Research Assistant applications open soon…
The role of Research Assistant is fixed term for 51 weeks, with the possibility of renewal for a further year upon application. It’s a fantastic opportunity to master complex areas of law and help shape UK legal reform, whilst working side by side with the Commissioners. Law Commission Research Assistants develop a range of skills and gain professional experience that is hard to obtain anywhere else. Time at the Law Commission is regarded extremely highly by employers – with RAs typically going onto successful careers at the bar, top law firms, academia and in policy.

On 6th December 2023 (4-5:30pm), they will be hosting an online event (via MS Teams) covering the work of the Law Commission, the role of a Research Assistant, and top tips for the application process. The event is free to attend. Register via eventbrite now! We understand a recording of the event will be available afterwards too.
Further information in the form of a Guide for Applicants and a top tips document will become available in December 2023. Applications will open on 2 January 2024 and close 31 January 2024.
Excitingly, we’ll be running an interview with one of the current Research Assistants later this month, so keep your eyes peeled.