Future Lawyer Blog

City Law School students win Inter-BPTC Moot Competition

Jodie Drummond & Michael Levenstein
Jodie Drummond & Michael Levenstein

On Saturday, 21 February 2015, Lincoln’s Inn hosted the Final Round of the national Inter-BPTC Moot Competition, pitting Bar students from across the country against each other in a series of knock-out rounds in which competitors were required to take alternating sides of the same problem. Competitors were selected on the basis of a preliminary moot competition held late last year, in which the highest scorers represented their schools. The case in question was heard before the Court of Appeal and involved what remedies should follow from a commercial contractual dispute–namely, should a party who deliberately breaches his obligations to make a larger profit with a third party be liable to disgorge his ill-gotten profits to an aggrieved claimant?

Each round was decided by judges and barrister members of the Inn, and each student team represented their respective BPTC provider. City Law School, represented by Michael Levenstein and Jodie Drummond, successfully appealed that a claimant should be able to recover both the cost of reinstatement and/or account of profits where a deliberate breach in a construction contract occurred by a specialist renovator. In so doing, they defeated the Respondent ably represented by Cardiff Law School, to make their mark–literally–on this year’s IPMC Shield.

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