Future Lawyer Blog

Tom Mogford’s new book


Tom Mogford, GDL graduate of City has published his third novel in the Gibraltar-based Spike Sanguinetti series, Hollow Mountain. Those of you who have yet to discover the intrigue of Spike’s world can catch up with the first (Shadow of the Rock) and second books (Sign of the Cross) now!

At the heart of Gibraltar lies the Rock.
At the heart of the Rock lies darkness.

The late-morning sun beats down on the Rock of Gibraltar as bored tourists photograph the Barbary Apes. A child’s scream pierces the silence as she sees a monkey cradling a macabre trophy. A man’s severed arm.

In the narrow streets of the Old Town below, lawyer Spike Sanguinetti’s friend and colleague is critically injured in a mysterious hit-and-run. Spike must drop everything and return home to Gibraltar, where he is drawn into a case defending a ruthless salvage company hunting for treasure in the Straits.

As Spike battles to save his business, he realises that his investigations have triggered a terrifying sequence of events, and that everything he holds dear is under threat.

We’ll have copies in the library at City but you can also buy copies from any good bookstore of course! Wet your appetite with reviews of all the Spike books via Tom’s website.

Anyone interested how Tom went from journalism to the GDL to translator to crime novelist can watch a Lawbore interview from 2012.

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