Advocacy finalists – Emily Allbon

City entered the National Criminal Advocacy Competition run by the University of Hertfordshire this year, with Verity Coutts (LLB3) and Samantha Tayler (LLB2).
The competition is for advocates with L plates; no experience of advocacy is necessary but it is a challenging prospect – facing a judge in mock trials and carrying out pre-trial applications, amongst other challenges. The competition is organised by Neal Geach and Nicola Monaghan, Senior Lecturers in Law from the University of Hertfordshire. City faced the University of Westminster in the preliminary stages, beating them both at home and away.
We were very excited to hear that our team is through to the finalists weekend at the end of June, competing alongside Derby, Exeter, Staffordshire, Hertfordshire, College of Law Manchester, De Montford, Winchester, Westminster and Lincoln.
Judging at the weekend (amongst others) will be HHJ Peter Murphy, HHJ Bright QC, HHJ Warner, HHJ Griffiths, Patrick Upward QC (Head of sponsoring chambers), John Cooper QC (25 Bedford Row), Max Hill QC (Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association).
Unfortunately Verity is unable to make the finalists weekend so Marwa Stavraetou (LLB2) will be teaming up with Samantha. Best of luck to them both!