Future Lawyer Blog

How is this selling me? Report on E-Research seminar – Ana Butacu, LLB2

An E-research seminar took place at City University Tuesday, 13th October. It had as its main aim to direct law students at doing their research in an efficient manner before being confronted with the overwhelming process of applications for work experience, summer placements, training contracts and pupillages.

The career consultant, Marlon Gray, went beyond flagging up the main useful websites such as www.lawcareers.net, www.solicitorsonline.com and www.tcph.co.uk by showing that help is available. Tips on networking such as how to build a professional relationship with a potential employer were given. Students were advised to look out for opportunities and sell themselves as circumstances permit.

The seminar hinted at how to structure a CV and cover letter, stressing that the emphasis should be placed on one’s ability to work for the firm that they are applying for. Consequently, a model on how relevant skills can be included in a C.V was delivered in the hope that the students will take on board the idea that they have to add their own personality to their applications.

As puzzling the idea of making the correct career choices may be, Marlon Gray successfully directed the students to the right resources and reassured them that lecturers, and other members of staff at City University including the career advisors are prepared to help them. It is comforting to know that help is at hand so why not take the opportunity to attend the Law Fair on 28th October and make yourself noticed?

Tips on making the most out of the Law Fair will be given in the following seminar How to make the most of the City law fair on Monday 26th October at 13:30 in room AG22. Additional events are published on the Centre for Career and Skills Development website.

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