Future Lawyer Blog

Get bar course scholarship advice from City alumni in weekly Q & As

Alexander Clevewood Ng

City alumni Alexander Clevewood Ng is the Scholarship Officer at Middle Temple and he is running a weekly Q & A session for those wanting more insight into the process. He studied the BVS with us and funded courtesy of a scholarship award from Middle Temple. These sessions are open to all (whether on the LLB, GDL or GELLB) and would certainly be beneficial whatever Inn you are with (it is open to non-Middle Temple members).

Join Alexander to gain some insider knowledge and most importantly, get some support for embarking on the scholarship application process to get help to fund your bar course. 

  • When: 14:30 to 16:30 every Tuesday (from 24 September to 1 November)
  • Mode: Online via MSTeams (link below).
  • If any problems with the link:  Meeting ID: 373 605 851 055 Passcode: i2VjWm

Note: You do not need to be a student member to apply for scholarship at Middle Temple, but you would need to become one if you are lucky enough to secure a scholarship through the process.

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