Fired up by Environmental Law? Join the PIEL UK Committee…
The Public Interest Environmental Law (PIEL) Conference UK is a student-led conference which has been running for 10+ years to promote discourse on environmental law and justice. PIEL is now looking for 8-9 committee members for this current year. So if you are passionate about environmental issues and its legal implications, both in the UK and internationally, give it a try. Last year’s committee was domnaited by City law students!

This is a great opportunity to take responsibility as a student and dive deeper into serious and urgent issues concerning climate change, biodiversity, waste, supply chains, etc. It is also a great way to stand out in applications, to show leadership and entrepreneurship. If you’d like to see the speakers and topics covered at last year’s conference, take a look online.
If interested, please fill in the online form by 20th November. Roles will be assigned by end of November.