City Law Review: call open for writers and editors

The City Law Review is City’s sole, student-led publication of legal scholarship, proudly endorsed and supported by the City Law School, City, University of London.
The Law Review hereby cordially invites all students, regardless of discipline or university the opportunity to publish their work and proudly welcomes submissions from alumni, faculty, and legal professionals.
The City Law Review will be accepting submissions in the following 4 categories:
- Essays must be 2,000 – 5,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes.
- Articles should be 5,000 – 10,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes.
- Letters to the Editor should be approximately 850 – 1000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes. They are legal opinion pieces on areas of contemporary legal relevance.
- Case notes should be 1,000 – 2,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes.
DEADLINE FOR WRITER SUBMISSIONS OCTOBER 28th Writers may submit full pieces or abstracts (250 words maximum) to Please see our journal website for more details on our writer guidelines
Interested in becoming a member of our Editorial Board?
The following positions are available for the Editorial Board 2019/2020:
- 2 Senior Editor
- 1 Social Media Coordinator
- 10 Article Editors

DEADLINE FOR EDITORIAL BOARD APPLICATIONS OCTOBER 14th Submit applications in CV format along with a cover letter to Please see for more details on roles and responsibilities.