Wondering what to do once exams finish?

The Law Reform Committee of the General Council of the Bar have released details of their 2015 Annual Essay Competition. This challenging competition asks law students and pupil barristers to put forward an idea for a law reform that is desirable, practical and useful.
Sponsorship comes courtesy of the Bar Council Scholarship and prizes are as follows:
£4000 for the winner
£2500 for the runner-up
£1500 for the best CPE/GDL student entry
£1000 for the best runner-up CPE/GDL entry
2 x £500 highly commended awards
Closing date for the competition is 17:00 on 6th October 2015. Prizes will be presented at the Annual Law Reform Lecture on 2nd December 2015 at Inner Temple Hall.
Want some insight into what previous winners have come up with? See full details via the Bar Council website.