Blackstone Mooting Competition 2013 – Joanne Moss

The 2013 Blackstone Mooting Competition at City Law School for Full-time Students has been won by Christopher Pulman, shown holding the trophy presented by the Moot Judge, Mr Tom Weisselberg, who is a member of Blackstone Chambers and a former student of the CLS.
The Finals took place on Wednesday 15th May, and all contestants are to be congratulated on their performances. The Runner-up was Madeline Dixon, and the other excellent competitors were Charles Streeten and Gregory Ashurst. All these postgraduate students produced impressive performances, especially in response to the questions of the Moot Judge. Well done!
We also thank our Moot Judge most warmly for his welcoming attitude and for the enormous amount of time and effort that he had put into the preparation for the task of judging.
We are kindly sponsored by
Blackstone Chambers, London, with discretionary cash prizes; and
Oxford University Press who offer to the winner one copy of either Blackstone’s Criminal Practice or Blackstone’s Civil Practice.
In addition, the winner will receive £500 from the City Law School.