Get blogging for the UK Supreme Court – Emily Allbon

The UKSC blog have launched their 2013 essay competition and are inviting entries of no more than 1000 words until 26th April.
If ever you need a distraction from panicking about revision, this is it! The winner will see their work published simultaneously on the UKSC blog and in the Guardian website. Add an iPad mini and £250 into the mix and it sounds pretty special….but wait, there’s more?
Most excitingly the winner will be able to take up a week’s work experience at Olswang LLP, with an opportunity to shadow Hugh Tomlinson QC.
You get a choice of 2 titles to plump for:
1. Judging the constitution: What role should the UKSC play in determining the constitutional law of the UK?
2. Rogue justice: Do we need more or fewer dissenting voices in the UKSC?
Essays will be judged by recently retired Supreme Court Justice Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood.
…So what are you waiting for?
More info re submitting on the UKSC blog.