David Collins fast forwards with book launch and clinic funding – Emily Allbon

David Collins, Reader and Deputy Director of the Graduate Entry LLB Programme at The City Law School, is celebrating dual success.
First, the publication of his first book The BRIC States and Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Oxford University Press and secondly the securing of funding for the City Enterprise Services pro bono law clinic. David and his colleague Eric Klotz won first prize in the Intellectual Property Office’s Fast Forward Competition. You can read more about the law clinic in the interview with David on Lawbore last year. This funding will allow expansion of the student legal advice clinic’s connections with the Tech City community and for David and Eric to develop a suite of best practice commercial legal advice materials aimed at the startup sector.
David’s monograph from OUP’s International Economic Law series discusses trends in foreign direct investment from the large emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China, examining their international investment treaties and their participation in international investment dispute settlement. It then contemplates a multilateral investment treaty focusing on the rapidly growing services sector.
David will be a Visiting Scholar at the National University of Singapore in late April/May conducting further research on investment treaties and emerging markets.
A launch event for the book will take place on Tuesday 16 April from 6pm to 7:30pm at the law offices of Arnold & Porter (UK) LLP: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HQ.
Please RSVP by 12 April to Lisa Tomas if you wish to attend.