CSET Law Summer School

The City Solicitors’ Educational Trust (CSET) is an initiative launched back in 2007 by a group of the City’s leading law firms. They set to planning a summer school whose aim was to ‘identify and encourage university students from a diverse range of backgrounds to consider a career in the law’.
Their objective was to ‘unlock the potential in students in higher education who might not have excelled in their A levels and/or are not studying at one of the top UK universities’.
There are 2 one-week summer school’s running in July 2010 at Imperial College London and those in the first year of a law degree are eligible to apply. See guidelines on who should apply here.
You can get a picture of what was involved in the event lst year by checking out the comments on speakers on the website.
Deadline is 17.00 on 31st March 2010 – apply here.