Looking to the Bar? It’s the season of Pupillage evenings….
Future barristers will be run ragged over the next few weeks. Chambers all over London (and beyond) are rolling out the red carpet for you to find out about their set, meet members and get a feel for opportunities. We’ve listed a few below, along with the blurb straight from chambers.
Deka Chambers: Wednesday 13th November 2024 6pm start
Deka Chambers is a common law (mixed practice) set with strengths in advocacy and advisory work. Join them at this virtual event to hear from a number of speakers about Pupillage at Deka Chambers and get the chance to have your questions answered.
A range of barristers, both new and established, will provide an overview of pupillage at Deka, discuss the application process, what it’s like to be a pupil and a new tenant and what it’s like further into your tenancy. You’ll also get to hear from one of our clerks and get their perspective on life in chambers.
29 Bedford Row: Thursday 14th November 2024 6pm start
29 Bedford Row are holding a pupillage open evening which might be of interest to any students who are interested in family law.
During the open evening there will be chance to hear from members about pupillage at 29 Bedford Row and the work we do. Students will also be able to speak to the Pupillage Committee about what they look for when taking recruitment decisions.
There’ll also be an opportunity to ask questions of and speak to family barristers and glean some practical tips to getting pupillage, and find out what it’s like when you first get on your feet.
Students can email openevening@29br.co.uk to register their interest. Address for registered attendees: 29 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4HE.
4 Pump Court: 19th November 2024

4 Pump Court are pleased to invited City students to an open evening drinks for City and BPP students, to take place at Chambers. The members and pupillage committee will be in attendance, to answer any questions or give any insight to those of you in attendance.
Make sure to register for your place!
Serle Court – 20th and 21st November 2024
Serle Court are delighted to announce that they will be hosting two Prospective Pupillage evenings in November. Please find below details of upcoming events:
- Wednesday 20th November – Virtual Prospective Pupillage evening.
- Thursday 21st November – In-person Pupillage evening at Serle Court.
Serle Court events will provide information about what to expect during the application process, life as a pupil at Serle Court and insights into careers at the Commercial Chancery Bar.
Students who would like to attend should register their interest by completing this form. Please note that places for the in-person event are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information about pupillage at Serle Court, visit their website.
Garden Court Chambers: 23rd November 2024 10am-1pm

The Garden Court Open Day will include talks from members of chambers, including some tenants who undertook their pupillage there, on:
- Applying for pupillage
- Pupillage structure and support
- The tenancy decision
- Life as a junior tenant at Garden Court
The Open Day will take place in person at Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJ.
Prospective pupils will have the opportunity to meet members of chambers and the support staff in an informal environment, and ask any questions they may have about pupillage and practice at Garden Court Chambers. You will need to register for your place.
3PB Barristers: Thursday 28th November 4:30-7:30pm
3PB Chambers are offering the opportunity to attend either in person at the 3PB London/Bristol or Birmingham office or via Zoom.
The evening will conclude with a networking session for our in person attendees.
During the evening, students will have the chance to find out about pupillage at 3PB and hear what life is like as a barrister at our set, including opportunities to live and work around the UK.
For more information and to sign up for in person attendance (in Birmingham), student can visit the chambers website (registration form is at the bottom of the page). To sign up for Zoom attendance, students can use this link.
Any questions can be emailed to marketing@3pb.co.uk. For further updates on pupillage and events, students can follow us on LinkedIn, Bluesky and Instagram.
Crown Office Chambers: 3 December 2024 5:30pm onwards
Following the success of their first Pupillage Open Evening in January, Crown Office Chambers will holding another one on Tuesday 3 December 2024.
Register your interest by emailing us at events@crownofficechambers.com.
Places are limited so the sooner people respond, the better!