New Year, new competitions to enter…
DICTUM: VLex Legal Research Competition
This new competition sets a legal research challenge for law students, offering a first prize of £300 plus a 3-month remote internship at VLex, one of the world’s leading legal research technology firms.

Interested? Register on the site and then jump on VLex Justis. The question will be released to you, and you simply do all your research on VLex Justis, before answering the legal research question in 500 words or fewer. The top 10 responses will get through to the final and another research task…
Deadline for stage one is 1st March 2021.
The Graham Turnbull Memorial International Human Rights Essay Competition
This is an annual competition named after Graham Turnbull, an English solicitor who did much to promote respect for human rights. Graham was killed in 1997, working as a human rights monitor on the United Nations Human Rights Mission in Rwanda.
It is open to law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and all solicitors/barristers within 3 years of admission/call.
The competition asks for essays of no more than 2000 words in length and awards the winner of this prestigious award £500 from the Graham Turnbull Memorial Fund.

If you’re in need of inspiration, you can read the winning entries all the way back to 2010…look out for some past City winners Niall Coghlan (2013) and Nick Jones (2019).
Find out more about the deadline for the current year’s competition, as well as the competition rules, via the Law Society Human Rights Community website.
Deadline is 31 March 2021, with this year’s entrants asked to address the following question:
“What improvements, if any, should be made to the Human Rights Act 1998? Why are they needed?”
The Graham Turnbull Memorial Lecture will be held online on Wednesday 21 April 2021, 5pm to 6pm. The Human Rights Committee will be joined by prominent speakers to share their thoughts on the essay question as they look back at 20 years of the Human Rights Act and where we go from here…book your place.