City law student success! Bar Council Law Reform Competition winners announced
The Bar Council’s Law Reform Essay Competition is a challenging one; asking law students (on academic programmes or the BPTC) and pupils to write a 3000 word essay proposing a desirable, practical and useful law reform.
City students have always been well represented in this competition, and we were delighted to hear this year is no different!
In the CPE/GDL category, Lucy McCann took first place with her essay ‘A case for extending the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to private companies delivering public services through government contracts’, closely followed by Edward Mordaunt who took the runner-up prize with his piece ‘Quamdiu benesegesserint: Reforming The Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993’.
The overall winner was Josephine Teale (BPTC City alumni 2015/16), barrister at 23 Essex Street & overall runner-up was Amy Woolfson, pupil barrister at 2 Hare Court. If you’d like to see all of the winners essays they can be located on the Bar Council website.